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Sunday, 8 December 2024

best ieee projects 2023

 best ieee projects 2023 svsembedded - 9491535690  / 7842358459

1.      Implementation of a Programmable Patient Medication Reminder Using Arduino With GSM Module

2.      Public Ration Distribution System Using OTP Generation with RFID & GSM-SMS Alert | Raspberry Pi Pico

3.      Arduino Automatic School/College🔔Bell Timer System | School Project

4.      Fire🔥Alarm with Buzzer and Water Sprinkler System

5.      Monitoring Health Using ESP8266 IOT Using Arduino and ThingSpeak

6.      Control LED's💡+ ESP8266📶ESP12 + Raspberry Pi Pico + Blynk 2.0⚡️ + ESP-01 WiFi | Home Automation IOT

7.      Intelligent Vehicle Speed Control in Residential Areas

8.      Industrial Pollution Monitoring using LABVIEW and Arduino

9.      Digital weather station with Data storage

10.   Arduino based Automatic School Bell System

11.   Smart Canteen Management System using Raspberry Pi Pico With RFID

12.   Password Based Door Lock🔒🚪System Using 8051 Microcontroller



15.   Sensor's Based Real-Time Environmental Monitoring System Using IoT and Cloud Service GSM/GPRS Modem

16.   IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using ESP8266 & Arduino | DHT11 | MQ4 | Moisture Sensor

17.   Zigbee Based Coal Mining⛏️Safety Monitoring System - Mq4 | Mq7 | LM35 | HUMIDITY

18.   IoT Enabled Smart Industrial Pollution Monitoring and Control Using Raspberry Pi Pico with Blynk App

19.   Monitoring Patient Health Using IoT and Thingspeak with ESP8266 & Arduino Project

20.   Driver Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling & Auto Cut-Off Engine System

21.   ESP32 Home Automation - Air Quality Monitoring and Alert System using ESP32 - MQ2 - DHT11 Temp & Hum

22.   Water Quality Monitoring: Temperature, LDR, PH, Water Level, and Turbidity Using Arduino

23.   IoT based Smart Shopping Cart using RFID and NodeMCU - ESP8266

24.   Smart Gloves for Women & Child Safety Using Arduino - GPS - GSM SMS / CALL Alert

25.   IOT Based Agriculture Monitoring and Controlling System using Arduino Uno




29.   Biometric Attendance System With RFID + GSM - SMS📱Notification Using ESP32

30.   IOT Paralysis Patient Health Care Project


32.   IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System using ESP8266 & Arduino with GSM - SMS📱Notification 🔔Alert

33.   Bluetooth Based Wireless Biometric Finger Print Electronic Voting System using Arduino

34.   Interfacing AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor Module with CP2102 SFGDemo Software

35.   Wireless Wi-Fi IP Camera Based Baby Monitoring System Using Sensor's With Arduino & GSM SMS Alert

36.   GSM Based Post Paid Electricity Bill Payment Energy Meter using Arduino

37.   Smart Dustbin Using IoT🚮: ESP32 - SIM800A - Real Time GPS Location📍Tracker📱SMS Notification Alert

38.   Arduino Based Smart Shopping🛒Trolley with Add/Delete ITEMS & Auto Billing GSM - SMS📱Notification 🔔

39.   Vehicle Anti Collision with Sound Alert & GSM + GPS Based Location Tracking System Arduino | HC-SR04

40.   Female Safety bag Using RF With Arduino Based Location Tracking Using GPS & GSM - SMS / CALL Alerts

41.   Fingerprint Based Biometric Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Arduino

42.   Drip Saline Fluid Level Monitoring & Automatic Alert System Using Arduino with GSM SMS Notifications

43.   Polyhouse Environment Monitoring & Alert System Using Sensors [ T - H - S ] with Arduino |GSM - SMS

44.   IoT-Based Smart Real Time Garbage Monitoring System using ESP32, GPS, and GSM- SIM800L

45.   ESP32 Real Time Clock Using NEO-6M GPS Module

46.   IoT Based Smart WiFi Controlled Door Lock System using ESP32

47.   IOT Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System Using Arduino With GPRS Modem Project

48.   IoT Based Digital Attendance System Using Fingerprint, RFID, GSM & ESP32 + Website + MySQL Database

49.   IOT Based IV Bag Monitoring and Alert System Using Arduino with GSM - SMS📱Notification

50.   AI Wireless Hand🖐️Gesture🤟Controlled Robot🤖 Using Raspberry Pi Pico with OpenCV & Python

51.   ESP32 Based Automated Students Attendance System Using RFID + Fingerprint + GSM - SMS📱Notification

52.   Wireless Zigbee Multiple Color(R-G-B-Y-O) Detection Robot🤖Using Raspberry Pi Pico with Python-OpenCV

53.   AI Wireless Hand Gesture Recognition & Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi Pico with OpenCV & Python

54.   Goggles for Blind Person using Ultrasonic Sensor and Buzzer Alert

55.   Colour Recognition Based Wireless Object Tracking🤖Robot Using Raspberry Pi Pico with OpenCV & Python

56.   IoT Home Automation - DHT11(T/H) - Air Quality Monitoring ESP32 & Blynk App Notification📱Email Alert

57.   GPS Clock Using Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) Arm Cortex-M0+ & LCD Display

58.   Vehicle Security System using Embedded and GSM Technology

59.   8051 Based Vehicle🚗Accident Detection System Using GSM and GPS

60.   Intelligent Automotive Vehicle Control System Using CAN Protocol

61.   QR code based car parking system using ESP32 CAM with IR sensors

62.   GSM Based Electricity💡Billing Display With Bill SMS📱Feature

63.   Solar Panel Data Monitoring using Arduino and LCD Display

64.   ESP32 Based Air Quality Monitoring using Blynk 2.0 App Notification with Gmail Alerts | IOT Projects

65.   Bank Locker Security System Based on Biometric and GSM📱Using Raspberry Pi Pico

66.   Arduino Based Smart Gloves for Blind, Deaf and Dumb Using Sign and Home Automation Mode

67.   Home automation using ESP32 and Blynk 2.0 App | Blynk ESP32 Relay Control 📱| IoT Project

68.   Arduino Based School/College Bell🔔System Using DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) With Alarm

69.   Wireless Smart Shopping🛒Cart with Automatic🖥️Billing System using RFID & Arduino

70.   Design and Implementation of an Automatic Speed Control System🚕Vehicles for Avoiding Road Accident

71.   Vehicle🚗Accident Prevention & Detection System GSM-GPS, Eye blink, Alcohol Sensor, MEMS & SMS📱Alert📍

72.   Raspberry Pi Pico based Hand Gestures Sign to Speech🗣️Conversion System for Mute People

73.   A low-cost Microcontroller-based Weather Monitoring System with Data Storage

74.   Automatic Vehicle🚗Accident Detection and Messaging📱System using GSM and GPS🛰️Modem

75.   Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Arduino | AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor

76.   Android Bluetooth Operated Scrolling LED Message Board using Arduino

77.   OTP Based Distribution of Rationing using Automation like RFID and GSM📱Technology |Raspberry Pi Pico

78.   IoT Web based Smart Shopping🛒Trolley with ESP32-CAM QR Code Mobile📱Cart Application

79.   IoT-based Drunk Driving Detection & Vehicle🚗Engine Locking System with Real-Time📍Location🛰️ in App📱

80.   DHT11 / LDR Sensor's Under Water Wireless Data Transfer Using Arduino with IR and LCD

81.   IOT Based Industrial Water Level and Quality Monitoring System in Overhead Tanks (PH, Turbidity)

82.   Train Track Crack Detection System using Arduino

83.   Raspberry Pi Pico Multi-sensor Data Acquisition With Thingspeak - IOT, DHT11, SOIL, LDR, GAS, BMP180

84.   IOT based ESP32📸CAM Laser Security System with Photo Capture and Send Image to 📱Telegram App

85.   IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Controller For Incubator Using Arduino with NodeMCU & ThingSpeak

86.   RFID Based Prepaid Card for Cashless Canteen Management System using Raspberry Pi Pico

87.   Wifi📶Based Smart🌱Agriculture & Automatic🌿Irrigation System with ESP8266

88.   IoT Cloud Smart🚮Garbage Monitoring System with Email, SMS📱Notification

89.   Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart🚌School Bus Monitoring🛰️with SMS📱Telegram📷Photo Alert

90.   Early Landside Detection System Using IOT

91.   Real Time Laptop Tracking and Alert System for Anti Theft Purposes using GPS & GSM Module

92.   Soldier Health🏥And Position📍Tracking System Using Arduino,GSM📱Module and GPS🛰️Module

93.   IoT Based Solar Power Monitoring System with ESP8266

94.   Indoor Temp, Humidity, Light, Air Quality Sensor Data Logging to Excel🖥️Using Arduino

95.   SMART GLOVE Sign to Speech🗣️Conversion and Home🏠Automation💡Control for Mute Community

96.   IOT Based Intelligent GasLeakage & Fire🔥Detector Using Arduino with GSM [SMS📱E-MAIL] 🔔Notifications

97.   Arduino Based Garbage🚮Collector with Wireless📱Controller and Monitoring System

98.   Intelligent Traffic Control for Ambulance and VIP Vehicles

99.   How To Program Raspberry Pi Pico Using Arduino IDE


101. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System with Arduino ESP8266 WiFi | MQ4 Methane | DHT11 | Moisture

102. 3 channel (Temperature/Light/Humidity) Data Logger using Microcontroller

103. IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring on ThingSpeak using ESP8266 & Arduino

104. IoT Based Vehicle🚗Accident Detection & Location📍Tracking🛰️System📱

105. Electronic🚗Vehicle Control System Based on CAN bus

106. QR Code Based Automatic🐟Fishing🚣‍♂️Boats Identification System using ESP32-CAM and Raspberry Pi Pico

107. Greenhouse🏡Remote Organic🌱Field Monitoring & Controlling📱System using Arduino & GSM

108. Arduino Data Logged LM35 Temperature Sensor Values into Excel Sheet and plot it for Analysis

109. Arduino With USB / PS2⌨️Keypad Based IR Wireless Underwater Data Transfer System

110. Wireless Intelligent Shopping🛒Trolley and Billing🖥️System Using Raspberry Pi Pico + Add/Delete ITEMS

111. IOT Based Paralysis Patient🏥 HealthCare with TEMP | ECG | FALL Monitoring System🚑SMS / E-Mail Alerts

112. Iot based Organic🌾Agriculture Prediction and👨‍🌾Planning with Raspberry Pi Pico Project

113. Automatic Motion Detection Camera 📸Send Image to Telegram📲Smart 🏠Home Automation Using Arduino & GSM

114. Automatic Speed Control & Automatic Breaking System of Vehicle using Multi Sensor's Project

115. Shuttling Metro Train Between Stations Project using Arduino with IR Sensor's

116. Wireless Zigbee Based Coal Mining⛏️Industry Safety Monitoring System

117. RFID & GPRS Based Attendance System using Arduino with IoT

118. Arduino Optical Fingerprint Sensor AS608 Based Biometric Voting System

119. IoT based Air Pollution Monitoring System using Arduino

120. Design & Implementation of IoT Based Smart Warehouse Monitoring System

121. Women Safety👜bag Using RF, GSM,🛰️GPS and Arduino with Location📍Tracking📱Alerts

122. IoT Based RFID + Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi Pico📱SMS Notification

123. Ultrasonic Sensor Based Efficient and Energy Saving Street Lighting System Highways

124. Arduino Based Alcohol Sense Engine Lock Using GPS & GSM

125. Third Eye For Blind Ultrasonic Vibrator Glove with Bluetooth and GPS Tracking

126. Interface ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Module with Raspberry Pi Pico & 4 Channel Relay Control Home Automation📱

127. Smart🏡Home & Smart🏦Building Energy Efficiency Using Raspberry Pi Pico | GSM📱SMS Notification🔔Alert

128. Arduino Uno + 2.4” TFT LCD Shield + PS2⌨️Keyboard + Speech🗣️ (Voice📣)

129. Arduino Based PS2 Keypad⌨️To Speech🗣️ (Voice📣+ Bluetooth (TTS) + LCD + Android App📱(Text - Speech) )

130. USB / PS2⌨️Keypad To Speech📣 (Voice) Using Arduino - Talkie

131. IoT Smart Dustbin🚮: ESP32 -📱SIM800L - GPS📍Location | Garbage Bin 🗑️Waste Monitoring System SMS Alert

132. Wireless Fire🔥Detection System Using OpenCV & Python With Raspberry Pi Pico - GSM📱Call / SMS Alert📍

133. 🎊 Happy New Year 2023🎊 | P10 Led Text Scrolling Display | SVSEMBEDDED

best ieee projects 2023

 best ieee projects 2023 svsembedded - 9491535690  / 7842358459 1.       Implementation of a Programmable Patient Medication Reminder Using ...