svskits - 1

Monday, 27 April 2020

IoT Applications on Secure Smart Shopping System using ESP32 | RFID

IoT Applications on Secure Smart Shopping System using ESP32 | RFID

1.        Smart Shopping Trolley with Automated Billing using Arduino
2.        RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart Using Arduino | RC522
3.        Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing  Arduino | RFID
4.        IoT based Smart Shopping Cart using RFID and NodeMCU
5.        RFID based Shopping trolley
6.        IoT based Smart Door Lock System using NodeMCU
7.        IOT Based Smart Attendance System Project using NodeMCU ESP8266
8.        DIY Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell using ESP32 and Camera
9.        IoT based Fire Alarm System Project using NodeMCU ESP8266
10.     The Internet of Things with ESP32 | webserver | IoT Design Pro
11.     IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor
12.     Moduino X Series - Industrial IoT module based on ESP32
13.     Iot Home Automation Using ESP-32 with videos (Hindi & English)
14.     How to use ESP32 Camera Module for Video Streaming and Face
15.     ESP32 BLE + Android + Arduino IDE = AWESOME : 5 Steps
16.     IOT Based Smart Attendance System Project using NodeMCU ESP8266
17.     IoT based Smart Parking System using ESP8266 NodeMCU
18.     IoT Based Smart Home Controller Using NodeMCU
19.     Wireless Smart Trolley for Shopping Malls using RFID and ZIGBEE
20.     ESP32 Based Webserver for Temperature and Humidity Monitor using DHT11 Sensor

Thursday, 16 April 2020

SMS Monitor || P10 LED Scrolling Text Display || Arduino || SIM800L

SMS Monitor || P10 LED Scrolling Text Display || Arduino Nano || SIM800L 


Monday, 13 April 2020

Home Security System Based on Smoke, Fire, Pir and Door Sensor's Alert Using MSP430G2553 LANCHPAD

Home Security System Based on Smoke, Fire, Pir and Door Sensor's Alert Using MSP430G2553 LANCHPAD


Saturday, 11 April 2020

Analog Clock Display using Arduino with TFT LCD

Analog Clock Display using Arduino with TFT LCD 1. Adafruit 2.2" TFT and Arduino, 2. adafruit 3.5'' tft arduino - arduino tft gui builder, 3. Adjusting Dual Clock using DS3231 on 1.8" ST7735 Display, 4. analog clock arduino Uno 2.4" LCD TFT spfd5408, 5. Analog Clock Ver.3 With Arduino Uno + TFT LCD Shield 2.4 , 6. Analogue Clock On 2.8"TFTLCD TouchScreen Using Arduino, 7. Arduino - Simple Bedside Clock, 8. Arduino ~ OLED Clock v2.0, 9. Arduino Analog clock with DS1307 - Cee'z Blog, 10. ARDUINO ANALOG CLOCK WITH OLED DISPLAY, 11. Arduino AnalogClock, 12. arduino capacitive touch screen, 13. Arduino Clock - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create, 14. Arduino Digital Clock on DS3231 RTC and TFT 2.2 LCD DIY, 15. Arduino DS3231 Real Time Clock With Color TFT, 16. Arduino Due - TFT LCD 2.2" ILI9341 and DS3231, 17. Arduino Led Matrix Clock 8x32 on max7219 IC, 18. Arduino Project: Real time clock (RTC) and temperature monitor using the DS3231 module, 19. Arduino Project: Real time clock DS3231 and 1.8 Color TFT display ST7735, 20. Arduino Real Time Clock and temperature Monitor using the DS3231 RTC, 21. Arduino Real Time Clock and temperature Monitor with 3.2, 22. Arduino Real Time Clock project with the DS1302 module and a Nokia 5110 LCD display, 23. Arduino Real time clock with ST7735 color TFT and DS1307, 24. Arduino Temp - Monitor And Real Time Clock With 3.2" Display, 25. arduino tft - arduino clock - st7735 arduino, 26. arduino tft clock - arduino tft gui builder, 27. arduino touch screen button code, 28. arduino touch screen button code - arduino clock radio, 29. Arduino Touch Screen MP3 Music Player and Alarm Clock Project, 30. Arduino Uno TFT 3.95 LCD Touch Screen with sd card, 31. Arduino: DS3231 Real time Clock RTC Module, 32. Clock and calendar using Arduino due internal RTC and I2C LCD display, 33. clock with thermometer using DS3231 on 1.8" ST7735 display, 34. CreaTechWeb - Displaying an Clock / Time on a LCD TFT, 35. Digital Clock + Prayer Times + Thermometer dengan DS3231 dan LCD TFT 2.4", 36. Digital Clock with Arduino and DS1307 -, 37. Digital clock with Arduino, 128x64 LCD display and RTC module DS3231, 38. Display Time Date-I2C LCD and DS3231 Real Time Clock, 39. DIY Digital World Clock using Arduino and HMI TFT LCD, IOT, 40. DS3231 OLED clock with 2-button menu setting and temperature display, 41. Enigma QR Clock - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create, 42. Full color analog clock with Arduino and ILI9163c display, 43. Getting Started With DS3231 RTC Module, 44. Gorgy Meteo Clock - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create, 45. GPS Clock With TFT and Arduino : 11 Steps – Instructables, 46. How to Display a Simple Analog Clock on the OLED Screen, 47. How to Make Realtime Clock using Arduino and TFT display, 48. HSVClock - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create, 49. LED Arduino Clock, 50. Plant Watering System with TFT LCD - Arduino Create, 51. Project V - 28. Analog Clock on TFT LCD 2'4 Inch (Arduino), 52. Real time clock and temperature monitor with a DS3231, 53. real time clock with temperature using Arduino, 54. tft display arduino - arduino clock - adafruit 3.5'' tft Arduino, 55. TFT LCD Acclerometer GRAPHING Arduino Project, 56. The Talking Alarm Clock - Arduino Project Hub - Arduino Create, 57. Top 5 Elctronic Project with Bc547 Transistor, Tri AC, RGB LED, Photo Diode, 58. touch screen interfacing with Arduino, 59. Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Run TFT LCD Displays by Arduino, 60. Weekend Projects - S.M.A.R.T. Alarm Clock,

best ieee projects 2023

 best ieee projects 2023 svsembedded - 9491535690  / 7842358459 1.       Implementation of a Programmable Patient Medication Reminder Using ...