svskits - 1

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Sensor Data Monitoring Over CAN BUS Using Arduino | Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino

Sensor Data Monitoring Over CAN BUS Using Arduino | Interfacing MCP2515 CAN BUS Module with Arduino | TEMP - HUMIDITY - LDR - GAS - FIRE SENSORS. 1. Weather Station: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD Touch Shield - SPFD5408 2. Control FAN Speed and LIGHT using TV Remote 3. Smart Crop Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino | Field Sensor Monitoring with WiFi 4. How to Transfer Data From One USB Hard Drive to Another USB 5. IoT based Precision Agriculture 6. IOT BASED SMART BLOOD BANK SYSTEM 7. Blood Bags Weight Monitoring Using 2 load cells 8. GSM Motor Pump controller (Mobile Motor Starter) | Automatic Mobile Starter | Mobile pump starter 9. Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired Passengers 10. Design and Implementation of RFID-based Fuel Dispensing System 11. Cable Fault Detection System with SMS Notification using Arduino, GSM and GPS 12. 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen Restaurant Menu Ordering System Using Arduino 13. IoT Based Air, Water, Noise, Dust, Humidity, Gas, CO and Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino 14. IOT BASED SMART GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING NODEMCU + GSM + GPS + ULTRASONIC 15. i2c lcd with nodemcu | Interface I2C LCD Using ESP8266 NodeMCU | I2C LCD on NodeMCU With Arduino IDE 16. GPS + GSM Based Underground Cable Fault Detection with Arduino 17. Electric Shock + GPS Hand Glove Developed to help Women's Safety & Self Defense 18. GSM Based Motor Controller in Irrigation by Using Sensor's [ Soil Moisture + Tank Water Level ] 19. Petrol Bunk Automation with Prepaid Card using GSM Identification 20. IoT Based Water Level Monitoring System 21. Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT) 22. Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino | RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart 23. Traffic Signal Management and Control System using Arduino with 4 servo motors 24. Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino | How to Make a Gesture Control Robot 25. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System Using GSM, GPS, MEMS, VIBRATION and SOS 26. How to Make VOICE CONTROLLED Car by using ARDUINO 27. Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts 28. GPS + GSM Based Smart Blind Stick Tracking System Project 29. Auto Metro Train to Shuttle Between Stations 30. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project 31. Reading GPS Data With a Raspberry Pi | GPS on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi GPS reading 32. Smart Glove For Deaf and Dumb using Arduino Controls Remote Devices 33. voice based notice board using android and arduino 34. Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino 35. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino 36. Automatic Power Cut Failure Alert LED Indicator - Life Hacks For Led Light - Amazing School Project 37. Arduino Based Moving Message Display Using Bluetooth | Scrolling Display using P10 + Arduino 38. Arduino Interface With Optical Dust Sensor 39. Smart Home Connectivity using WiFi and Bluetooth 40. NodeMCU Project: IOT Car Parking System Project using ESP8266 41. Smart Traffic Light Control System with Automatic Speed Breaker / Barrier 42. Happy New Year 2020 Front Text Scrolling LED Wall Panel 43. How to connect servo motor to Arduino | 0 to 180 degree Rotation Control 44. Fire Fighting Robot Controlling using Arduino with Bluetooth/WiFi 45. Traffic Light Priority Control For Emergency Vehicle 46. Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot 47. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert 48. Smart Blind Stick Project using Arduino and Sensors 49. Arduino Based Saline Bottle Weight calculation and Alert System 50. Smart Wrist Band For Women Safety 51. Arduino Visitors Counter | Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor counter 52. Microcontroller Based Automatic School / College Bell using Timers | School Bells | College Bells 53. Fingerprint Based ATM Security System 54. A Real-Time Data Acquisition System for Monitoring Sensor Data 55. Coin Based Toll Gate System | Coin Sensing Automated Toll Gate 56. RFID Attendance System with SMS Notification Using Arduino 57. Smart Helmet: Smart Solution for Bike Riders and Alcohol Detection with Auto Ignition 58. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Using GSM - SMS 59. Automotive Vehicle Control Safety System Using (CAN) Controller Area Network 60. RFID Based Water Vending Machine System | Automatic Water Dispenser using Microcontroller 61. Control of Robot using Wi-fi and Bluetooth with Arduino 62. Vehicle Theft Alert & Engine Lock System Using Arduino 63. Internet of Things(IOT)-Enabled Accident Detection and Reporting System for Smart City Environments 64. GPS and GSM Based Self Defense System for Person Safety 65. GPS Based Voice Alert System for the Blind People using ARM7 LPC2148 66. ARM 7 BASED SMART ACCIDENT DETECTION AND MESSAGING SYSTEM 67. IOT Circuit Breaker Project Using NodeMCU (ESP8266)

Friday, 27 March 2020

How To Make A Simple WiFi Controlled Robot Car (NodeMCU) | Wifi RC Car ESP8266 App - NodeMCU(ESP12E)

Smart Robot: NodeMCU ESP8266 WiFi Robot Car + L293N + Wifi RC Car ESP8266 (NodeMCU) | How To Make A Simple WIFI Car (NodeMCU) | Wifi RC Car ESP8266 - NodeMCU (ESP12E). 1. How To Make A Simple WIFI Controlled Car (NodeMCU), 2. How to Make Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Robot Car | Controlled with Application, 3. ESP8266 NodeMCU RC car control over WiFi using RoboRemo app, 4. Smartphone controlled NodeMCU (ESP8266) 4WD WiFi Robot Car & DIY Android application, 5. How to Make Mobile Remote Controlled Car with Nodemcu | Indian LifeHacker, 6. Esp8266 NodeMcu wifi bot tutorial, 7. Arduino Project: IOT Car Parking System using Nodemcu esp8266 wifi + Blynk (Tabs + led widgets), 8. WIFI Controlled Robot | NodeMcu ESP8266, 9. How To Make A Wi-Fi Car Using NodeMCU esp8266 | Mobile Phone Controlled Car, 10. ESP8266 - WiFi Car, 11. Robot Wifi con ESP32 y Arduino Tutorial, 12. How to make Internet Controlled Car | IoT | Blynk | NodeMCU | esp8266, 13. Smartphone Controlled Arduino&NodeMCU 4WD Robot Car | WiFi Arduino&NodeMCU Robot, 14. IOT NodeMCU ESP8266 - Control de Foco Relay WebSocket WebServer, 15. How To Make A Mobile Phone Control WiFi Car Using Node MCU ESP8266 | DIY , 16. Creating a Nodemcu (Esp8266) Android phone controlled rover, 17. Arduino IOT Project: Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi Robot Car “L298N motor driver + Blynk + Joystick”, 18. Diy Amazing WiFi car mobile controlled | WiFi car V/S RC car challenge, 19. Adding WiFi controls to a RC car using Arduino, 20. NodeMcu(ESP12E) Android Wifi Controlled Rc Car Full Tutorial, 21. Arduino Project: Safe distance maintaining Car to Avoid accident” L298N and Ultrasonic Sensor”, 22. WiFi Car and Tank Based on ESP8266 Dev Kit, 23. Arduino WİFİ Kontrollü Araba | Nodemcu Kontrollü Robot, 24. Wifi | ESP8266 NodeMCU | robot car WIFI | carrito robot con ARDUINO, 25. Wifi Robot Car/RC Car NodeMCU ESP8266 -Blynk App, 26. How to make Internet Controlled Car | IoT | Blynk | NodeMCU | esp8266, 27. V380 WiFi Camera Setup & Installation , 28. Control FAN Speed and LIGHT using TV Remote, 29. Build a surveillance robot that video streams with Arduino - Skype Shield Tutorial, 30. IoT based Smart Parking System using ESP8266 NodeMCU, 31. Smart Crop Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino | Field Sensor Monitoring with WiFi, 32. Industrial Inspection Robot The Front Tilt Minibot, 33. How to Make Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Robot Car | Controlled with Application, 34. IOT BASED SMART BLOOD BANK SYSTEM, 35. CameraIP+ESP8266(MCU E-12), 36. Arduino DS WiFi Camera Robot - Assembly and Presentation, 37. V380 wifi Camera software installation & Setup & remote viewing on Laptop or PC Over Wifi / Local, 38. Make wireless CCTV camera using Action cam | Arduino project, 39. Make your own GPS SMS Security Tracking System, 40. WiFi Home Door Lock| Blynk | iot project, 41. How to Make a Gesture Control Robot at Home, 42. TOP 5 ESP8266 (NodeMCU) PROJECTS, 43. program arduino with android smartphone, 44. How to Make Water Overflow Alarm at Home, 45. How To Make A Simple WIFI Controlled Car (NodeMCU), 46. Arduino UNO & ESP8266 and control using smartphone, 47. How to make a | SPY Camera with | esp 8266 | Node MCU | wifi | IoT projects, 48. How To Make A DIY Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Car At Home, 49. Google Assistant | Home Automation IOT | NodeMCU ESP8266, 50. Arduino Powered Automated Security Camera, 51. Arduino RFID Solenoid Lock, 52. Arduino infrared thermometer with case MDF, 53. Bluetooth 8-Channel relay control ( Fan and Light ) board (with Android App), 54. 360° Fisheye Panoramic Wifi LED Bulb Light with Spy Camera, 55. esp8266, internet camera position control, 56. DIY | Easy IOT controlled robot With wifi camera for live streaming, 57. Top 10 IoT(Internet Of Things) Projects Of All Time | 2020, 58. Basic concept of Arduino in Hindi | Arduino tutorials for beginners, 59. how to make a ttp223 touch based Light Mirror Touch Switch Controller, 60. What is Arduino- Arduino Projects-Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi., 61. Top 7 Most Innovative Electronics DIY Projects For 2020, 62. Sonoff WiFi Smart Switch Tutorial, 63. Arduino RFID Sensor (MFRC522) Tutorial,

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Weather Station: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD Touch Shield - SPFD5408

Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD Touch Screen - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor - Weather Station | Weather Station: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD Touch Shield Display | arduino tft lcd touch screen - dht11 temperature and humidity sensor - Weather Station. 1. DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor with Arduino – Tutorial, 2. How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor on an Arduino, 3. Blynk ESP8266 DHT11 Temperature Sensor, 4. DHT11 & DHT22 Sensors Temperature and Humidity Tutorial using Arduino, 5. Arduino Project: Temperature and Humidity monitor Tutorial with DHT11 (or DHT22) sensor LCD shield, 6. How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity Sensor on the Raspberry Pi, 7. Using a DHT11 and ATtiny to control humidity moisture and temperature - Anything Arduino ep 4, 8. How To Receive Multiple Sensor Readings From Your ARDUINO Into Your MIT APP INVENTOR 2 APP, 9. How To Connect DHT11 (or DHT22) Humidity & Temperature Sensor [Arduino Tutorial], 10. Temperature & Humidity Sensor DHT11 –Tutorial, 11. Tasmota + D1mini (or Sonoff) - Temp & Humidity, ws2812 LEDs, and Motion Detection, 12. Arduino Time, Date, Temperature and Humidity, 13. ESP32 MicroPython MQTT Tutorial with Raspberry Pi, DHT-22 & OLED, 14. DHT11 Humidity Sensor on Arduino, 15. DHT11 and DHT22 Sensor Using with Arduino, 16. DHT11 (Raspberry Pi), 17. Raspberry Pi Tutorial 26 - GPIO DHT22 Digital Temperature + Humidity Sensor, 18. DHT Humidity Sensing on Raspberry Pi with GDocs Logging, 19. Beginner Arduino Project - DHT11 with LCD (I2C), 20. 5. Android Arduino DHT11, DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, 21. Sending Temperature and Humidity Data to MySQL Server(PHPMYADMIN) using Arduino, 22. ESP32 DHT11/DHT22 Asynchronous Web Server (auto updates Temperature and Humidity), 23. How to build Humidity and temperature meter using DHT11 and OLED Display, 24. How to Use ThingSpeak with Arduino, 25. Sending Temperature Sensor Data From Arduino to Excel and Plotting, 26. Arduino and DHT11, BMP180, DS18B20 Sensors, Connection, 27. Temperature and Humidity Monitoring over Internet using Arduino, 28. Measuring Temperature with Arduino - 5 Sensors, 29. How to use DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor with Arduino, 30. Arduino ESP8266 and DHT11 WIFI Temperature sensor controller, 31. Arduino + GSM Module SIM800L + DHT + Remote Temperature Sensor, 32. virtuino DHT sensor - read temperature and humidity using Bluetooth, 33. DHT11 Sensor with Node-RED – Temperature - Humidity to Dashboard /Gauge, 34. Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11 in Arduino with C., 35. NodeMcu (ESP8266) Tutorial 10: Temperature sensor DHT11, DHT 21, DHT22, 36. Upload DHT11 Temperature Humidity Values to Thingspeak using Nodemcu, 37. temperature Displayed on 4 Digit 7 segment Using Arduino nano v3 + DHT11 sensor, 38. Sending Text Message(SMS) using ESP8266-01 | DHT11 | IFTTT, 39. DIY Wireless Temp & Humidity Monitor With Text & Email Alerts, 40. Sinhala Arduino Tutorial 19 - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, 41. Arduino + LCD TFT 2.4 + DHT11, 42. Arduino Weather Station Using BMP280-DHT11 , 43. ARDUINO - SPFD5408 TFT LCD 2.4 TEMP and HUMIDiTY, 44. DHT22 with Arduino - Humidity and Temperature Sensor with, 45. DHT11 & DHT22 Sensor Temperature and Humidity Tutorial, 46. Arduino Project - Touchscreen Temperature & Humidity , 47. arduino touch screen, 48. arduino touch screen button code, 49. 2.4'' tft Arduino, 50. arduino touch screen gui, 51. arduino capacitive touch screen, 52. dht11 sensor Arduino, 53. dht11 temperature and humidity sensor arduino code, 54. arduino touch screen button code, 55. arduino capacitive touch screen, 56. arduino touch screen gui, 57. temperature and humidity sensor – Arduino, 58. dht11 temperature and humidity sensor arduino code, 59. arduino humidity sensor project, 60. arduino dht, 61. arduino tft lcd projects, 62. Weather Station: General & Detail Screen - Arduino Project Hub, 63. 2.4 TFT Arduino Weather Station With Multiple Sensors, 64. Arduino Mega + 2.4 TFT LCD Shield + DHT11 Temperature and Humidity, 65. ARDUINO - SPFD5408 TFT LCD 2.4 TEMP and HUMIDiTY Monitor with DHT11, 66. Arduino Wireless Weather Station - Arduino Project Hub, 67. ARDUINO - SPFD5408 TFT LCD 2.4 TEMP and HUMIDiTY Monitor, 68. DHT22 with Arduino - Humidity and Temperature Sensor, 69. ARDUINO - TFT LCD , 70. 2.4 TEMP and HUMIDiTY,

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Control FAN Speed and LIGHT using TV Remote

Control FAN and LIGHT using TV remote | Control of Lights + Fan using Wi-fi and Bluetooth | Arduino Based Home Automation using TV Remote | IR Remote Controlled Home Automation Project using Arduino | Smart Home Automation Using Arduino and Infrared Remote. 1. Control FAN and LIGHT using TV remote, 2. Control your LEDs with your TV remote - Arduino IR Tutorial, 3. Using IR Remote Controls with the Arduino, 4. HACKED: TV Remote becomes an RF Remote || nRF24L01, 5. Use Infrared sensor & IR Remote control on Arduino – Tutorial, 6. EEVblog - IR Remote Control Arduino Protocol Tutorial, 7. How to make voice control home automation system using Arduino, 8. Control your room lights and fan using TV remote, 9. How to make ir remote control home automation using Arduino multiple channel, 10. Infrared (IR) Remote control. Arduino, 11. Control your Infrared Devices from the Internet with IR Remote (Arduino / Raspberry Pi Compatible), 12. Control a Stepper Motor using an IR Remote and Arduino UNO – Tutorial, 13. Arduino Controlled using TV or IR Remote - TV/DVD Remote Decode, 14. Fast Hacks - Clone Infrared Signals with Arduino, 15. How to hack any IR Remote using Arduino, 16. Dish Antenna Position Controller Using TV Remote, 17. Control any Electronics with a TV Remote | Arduino IR Tutorial, 18. Arduino Controlling LEGO Power Functions Motor Part 2: IR Remote Control, 19. Arduino Home Automation: Control Your TV, Air Conditioner, Fan, etc. with an Infrared Transmitter, 20. How to Decode any IR remote |TV,DVD,AC any other, 21. Sinhala Arduino Tutorial 08 - IR Remote Controller (TV remote), 22. How to Control Arduino Robot Car with TV Remote Control | Infrared Remote IR, 23. Using IR Signals to Control TV, 24. ARDUINO: IR REMOTE CONTROL OF LEDS, 25. 5-min Tutorials: Arduino IR Remote & Receiver, 26. Remote Controlled AC Fan Regulator using Arduino, 27. Arduino - Control LED's with IR Remote Control, 28. Tutorial on Infrared sensor TSOP 1738 with Arduino | Connections & Coding, 29. ESP8266 As A WiFi Controlled Universal Remote, 30. Android Remote Control TV or other IR devices, 31. Arduino IR Remote Control Do it yourself, 32. Remote control Fan- IR remote control Circuit using IC 555 Timer, 33. Arduino Project: MP3 player with IR remote control DIY, 34. Apple Remote as a Universal Remote Control using Arduino [Anything Arduino], 35. Bluetooth & IR Remote - Elegoo Arduino Smart Robot Car Part 2, 36. How to Decode IR Remote Control Signals, 37. Using a VS1838B IR Sensor to Remotely Control an Arduino Project, 38. Arduino control LEDS with IR remote, 39. IR Remote Control For Home Appliances Using Arduino Multiple Channel, 40. Arduino turn off lights with TV remote - 120V relay, 41. App Inventor 2 - Arduino + Android Tv remote, 42. Fast Hacks -17 - Remote Control your Computer using Arduino, 43. [Basic]Arduino IR remote Control: Control LED using TV Remote, 44. TUTORIAL: How to Quickly Setup Infrared IR Remote Control Sensor with ESP32 - Arduino - ESP8266, 45. How to use Arduino as TV Remote Controller with Infrared, 46. Arduino IR Remote Control, 47. Controlling Servo motor with IR Remote using Arduino code, 48. Arduino Controlled Remote Door Opener using Servo Motor, 49. Control remote universal: Control to TV con Arduino, 50. Control LED with IR Remote Control + Arduino, 51. ESP 8266 NodeMCU RGB LED Strip controlled by a web server remote, 52. Make your own TV remote controlled car| Super easy Arduino tutorial, 53. IR Remote Control For Home Appliances Using Arduino Multiple Channel, 54. Magnetic Loop Antenna controlled by Arduino and infrared, 55. Home Automation With TV Remote in HINDI, 56. Tutorial: Controlling an Arduino with an Infrared (IR) Remote Control, 57. HOW TO MAKE A ARDUINO UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROLLER, 58. How to Control Your TV With an ARDUINO, 59. Using Infrared sensor & IR Remote control with an Arduino, 60. Home Automation using Arduino and IR Remote, 61. Arduino remote controlled camera mount – ir object tracking shield, 62. NEC Protocol IR remote control decoder using PIC16F877A CCS PIC C, 63. Bluetooth to IR TV Remote using Android Phone, Arduino and I2C EEPROM, 64. ARDUINO how to build your own universal IR remote control, 65. Arduino - Voice controlled TV remote, 66. IR Remote Controlled Home Automation Using Arduino, 67. Control de Led RGB con Infrarrojos: Arduino + Protocol NEC, 68. Measuring IR Remote's Frequency,Time,Protocol using only Arduino | IR remote protocol analyzer, 69. Arduino IR Remote Controller switch (Relay), 70. Arduino TV (IR) Remote Controlled Car, 71. Arduino DC motor control with IR remote control, 72. HOW TO CONTROL 4WD ROBOT SMART CAR USING IR REMOTE WITH ARDUINO, 73. Arduino IR Remote Control Sensor, 74. Control FAN and LIGHT using TV Remote and Arduino with Circuit and Code | Home Automation project, 75. Motors Controlled Using IR Remote and L293D IC with Arduino,

Monday, 23 March 2020

Smart Crop Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino | Field Sensor Monitoring with WiFi

Smart Crop Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino | Feild Sensors Monitoring with WiFi ESP8266 Module | Automatic Farm Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using PIC & GSM. 1. Protective measures in agriculture fields for wild animals - solar fence, solar sound system, 2. How to Protect Crops From Wild Animals | hmtv Agri, 3. Medak farmer plan to protect the crop from wild animals TS, 6. Wild Animal Repellent for agricultural areas near forest cover, 7. PRIMITIVE GADGET - How to protect crops from animals and, 8. Smart Crop Protection System From Animals PIC, 9. Farmer Plan to Protect Crop From Wild Pigs | hmtv Agri, 10. Preventing Crop Vandalism due to Wild Animals, 11. Automatic Farm Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino with WiFi ESP8266 Module, 12. Smart Farming: Automatic Farm Protection From Wild Animals With Alert Using Arduino with WiFi ESP8266 Module, 13. Wifi Based Agriculture monitoring, 14. Agriculture Feild Protection From Wild Animals, 15. Agriculture Feild Monitoring system using Arduino with WiFi ESP8266 Module, 16. smart irrigation system using arduino and esp8266, 17. smart irrigation system using nodemcu and blynk, 18. automatic plant watering system using nodemcu, 19. automatic intelligent plant watering system using Arduino, 20. automatic irrigation system using esp8266, 21. arduino irrigation system, 22. crop protection from animals, 23. smart crop protection system from animals pic pdf, 24. smart crop protection from animals, 25. smart crop protection system from animals using pic, 26. smart crop protection system for animals, 27. smart crop protection system ppt, 28. how to avoid pigs in farm, 29. crop protection project, 30. iot solutions for crop protection against wild animal attacks, 31. smart crop protection system with image capture over iot, 32. smart crop protection system for animals, 33. protection of crops from animals using intelligent surveillance system, 34. iot solutions for crop protection against wild animal attacks project, 35. protection of crops from wild animals using intelligent surveillance system, 36. animal detection system in farm areas project, 37. crop protection from animals, 38. IoT based Precision Agriculture 39. IOT BASED SMART BLOOD BANK SYSTEM 40. Blood Bags Weight Monitoring Using 2 load cells 41. GSM Motor Pump controller (Mobile Motor Starter) | Automatic Mobile Starter | Mobile pump starter 42. Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired Passengers 43. Design and Implementation of RFID-based Fuel Dispensing System 44. Cable Fault Detection System with SMS Notification using Arduino, GSM and GPS 45. 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen Restaurant Menu Ordering System Using Arduino 46. IoT Based Air, Water, Noise, Dust, Humidity, Gas, CO and Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino 47. IOT BASED SMART GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING NODEMCU + GSM + GPS + ULTRASONIC 48. i2c lcd with nodemcu | Interface I2C LCD Using ESP8266 NodeMCU | I2C LCD on NodeMCU With Arduino IDE 49. GPS + GSM Based Underground Cable Fault Detection with Arduino 50. Electric Shock + GPS Hand Glove Developed to help Women's Safety & Self Defense 51. GSM Based Motor Controller in Irrigation by Using Sensor's [ Soil Moisture + Tank Water Level ] 52. Petrol Bunk Automation with Prepaid Card using GSM Identification 53. IoT Based Water Level Monitoring System 54. Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT) 55. Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino | RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart 56. Traffic Signal Management and Control System using Arduino with 4 servo motors 57. Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino | How to Make a Gesture Control Robot 58. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System Using GSM, GPS, MEMS, VIBRATION and SOS 59. How to Make VOICE CONTROLLED Car by using ARDUINO 60. Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts 61. GPS + GSM Based Smart Blind Stick Tracking System Project 62. Auto Metro Train to Shuttle Between Stations 63. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project 64. Reading GPS Data With a Raspberry Pi | GPS on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi GPS reading 65. Smart Glove For Deaf and Dumb using Arduino Controls Remote Devices 66. voice based notice board using android and arduino 67. Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino 68. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino 69. Automatic Power Cut Failure Alert LED Indicator - Life Hacks For Led Light - Amazing School Project 70. Arduino Based Moving Message Display Using Bluetooth | Scrolling Display using P10 + Arduino 71. Arduino Interface With Optical Dust Sensor 72. Smart Home Connectivity using WiFi and Bluetooth 73. NodeMCU Project: IOT Car Parking System Project using ESP8266 74. Smart Traffic Light Control System with Automatic Speed Breaker / Barrier 75. Happy New Year 2020 Front Text Scrolling LED Wall Panel

Friday, 20 March 2020

IoT based Precision Agriculture

IOT based Smart Irrigation System | IOT based Precision Agriculture | IOT based Smart Irrigation System for Precision Agriculture | An IOT Based Automatic Agricultural Monitoring and Irrigation. 1. IoT based Precision Agriculture - Precision Farming, 2. IoT based Agriculture - Smart Farming - IoT Based Agriculture, 3. IoT-based precision agriculture reduces the guesswork, 4. Precision Agriculture – Actility | Global Leader in IoT, 5. Internet of Things and Agriculture: How IoT is Revolutionising, 6. Smart Farming | Precision Agriculture | IoT applications, 7. IoTphile. Precision Agriculture, a new way of looking at the, 8. Iot Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System | agriculture, 9. IoT and Smart Agriculture Are Building Our Future Cities Today, 10. Smart Farming—Automated and Connected Agriculture, 11. Qualcomm tests IoT for precision agriculture in India, 12. IoT helps Italy's farms recover from drought with precision, 13. The Internet of Things (IoT) and The Agriculture Sector, 14. What is precision agriculture and how does it help farmers, 15. IoT key to future of farming, civilization, 16. Iot Based Smart Farming in Smart Agriculture Monitoring, 17. AI-based agriculture: Students develop device smart farming, 18. IOT Based Smart E Agriculture, 19. Precision Farming - Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions | svsembedded, 20. IOT based Precision Agriculture – ijirset, 21. IoT-Based Precision Agriculture System: A Review , 22. Sensors | Special Issue : IoT-Based Precision Agriculture, 23. Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Precision Agriculture, 24. IOT based Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture, 25. Precision Agriculture – Actility | Global Leader in IoT, 26. IoT Applications in Agriculture - IoT For All, 27. IOT based Smart Irrigation System for Precision Agriculture, 28. IoT Solutions for Precision Agriculture – ResearchGate, 29. future of iot in agriculture, 30. internet of things iot for precision agriculture application, 31. role of iot in agriculture, 32. benefits of iot in agriculture, 33. iot based precision farming pdf, 34. smart agriculture using iot projects, 35. iot in agriculture journal, 36. smart farming technologies, 37. Overview of IoT basic platforms for precision agriculture, 38. IoT data gathering feeds precision agriculture -, 39. Using Cloud IOT for disease prevention in precision agriculture, 40. An Improved Energy Efficient Duty Cycling Algorithm for IoT, 41. IoT Steps Up Smart Farming and Precision Agriculture | ARC, 42. The Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture: IoT Solutions, 43. Role of IoT in Enhancing Agricultural Techniques, 44. Smart Farming in 2020: IoT Sensors & Precision Agriculture, 45. IoT Based Precision Agriculture using Agribot, 46. Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things in Precision, 47. 5 IoT Applications in Agriculture Industry | Smart Farming, 48. iot based hybrid system for precision agriculture, 49. IoT as a solution for precision farming - IoT Agenda, 50. IoT-Based-Precision-Agriculture-System – GitHub, 51. IoT in Agriculture Market Size, Share, and Industry Analysis, 52. A Smart Agricultural Model by Integrating IoT, Mobile and GSM, 53. IoT Based Smart Farming Stick Using Arduino and Cloud, 54. An In-Depth Look At IoT In Agriculture & Smart Farming, 55. IoT-based sensing technology in farming – CoRdiNet, 56. Precision Agriculture Techniques and Practices, 57. Smart Agriculture System using IoT Technology, 58. Internet of things for smart agriculture: Technologies, practices, 59. IoT based Smart Agriculture using Thingspeak – IJERT, 60. IoT Steps Up Smart Farming and Precision Agriculture, 61. IOT Smart Agriculture - engineering research papers, 62. An improved energy efficient system for IoT enabled precision, 63. An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Analytics,

Tuesday, 10 March 2020


IOT BASED SMART BLOOD BANK SYSTEM 1. How IoT Helps Blood Banks Reduce Waste and Save Lives, 2. Smart Blood Bank System Based on IoT – SlideShare, 3. Smart Blood Bank Based On IoT: A Review – irjet, 4. Smart Blood Bank System Based on IoT – IRJET, 5. Smart Blood Bank System Using IOT | SpringerLink, 6. IoT Based Smart Network for Blood Bank - IEEE Conference, 7. IOT Based Blood Bank Services - IJETER – EverScience, 8. Smart Blood Bank System Using IOT: ICCNCT 2018 | Request, 9. Smart Blood Bank System Using IOT, 10. Smart Online Blood Bank Management System, 11. Smart Blood Management and Tracking System, 12. Tracking of Blood Donor and Organ Donor Application, 13. Web Based Blood Donation Management System Project, 14. Android Blood Bank Project - Nevon Projects, 15. Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in IoT based Blood, 16. Smart Blood Bank Mobile Android Application – 1000 Projects, 17. Design and Implementation of Automated Blood Bank , 18. Web Based Online Blood Donation System-CSE-IEEE, 19. Blood Bags Weight Monitoring Using 2 load cells, 20. GSM Motor Pump controller (Mobile Motor Starter) | Automatic Mobile Starter | Mobile pump starter, 21. Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired Passengers, 22. Design and Implementation of RFID-based Fuel Dispensing System, 23. Cable Fault Detection System with SMS Notification using Arduino, GSM and GPS, 24. 2.4'' TFT Touch Screen Restaurant Menu Ordering System Using Arduino, 25. IoT Based Air, Water, Noise, Dust, Humidity, Gas, CO and Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino, 26. IOT BASED SMART GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING NODEMCU + GSM + GPS + ULTRASONIC, 27. i2c lcd with nodemcu | Interface I2C LCD Using ESP8266 NodeMCU | I2C LCD on NodeMCU With Arduino IDE, 28. GPS + GSM Based Underground Cable Fault Detection with Arduino, 29. Electric Shock + GPS Hand Glove Developed to help Women's Safety & Self Defense, 30. GSM Based Motor Controller in Irrigation by Using Sensor's [ Soil Moisture + Tank Water Level ], 31. Petrol Bunk Automation with Prepaid Card using GSM Identification, 32. IoT Based Water Level Monitoring System, 33. Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT), 34. Automated Smart Trolley with Smart Billing Using Arduino | RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart, 35. Traffic Signal Management and Control System using Arduino with 4 servo motors, 36. Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino | How to Make a Gesture Control Robot, 37. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System Using GSM, GPS, MEMS, VIBRATION and SOS, 38. How to Make VOICE CONTROLLED Car by using ARDUINO, 39. Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts, 40. GPS + GSM Based Smart Blind Stick Tracking System Project, 41. Auto Metro Train to Shuttle Between Stations, 42. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project, 43. Reading GPS Data With a Raspberry Pi | GPS on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi GPS reading, 44. Smart Glove For Deaf and Dumb using Arduino Controls Remote Devices, 45. voice based notice board using android and arduino, 46. Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino, 47. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino, 48. Automatic Power Cut Failure Alert LED Indicator - Life Hacks For Led Light - Amazing School Project, 49. Arduino Based Moving Message Display Using Bluetooth | Scrolling Display using P10 + Arduino, 50. Arduino Interface With Optical Dust Sensor, 51. Smart Home Connectivity using WiFi and Bluetooth, 52. NodeMCU Project: IOT Car Parking System Project using ESP8266, 53. Smart Traffic Light Control System with Automatic Speed Breaker / Barrier, 54. Happy New Year 2020 Front Text Scrolling LED Wall Panel, 55. How to connect servo motor to Arduino | 0 to 180 degree Rotation Control, 56. Fire Fighting Robot Controlling using Arduino with Bluetooth/WiFi, 57. Traffic Light Priority Control For Emergency Vehicle, 58. Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot, 59. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert, 60. Smart Blind Stick Project using Arduino and Sensors, 61. Arduino Based Saline Bottle Weight calculation and Alert System, 62. Smart Wrist Band For Women Safety,

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